King Apparel

The story of King Apparel began in 2003, when Tim and Tom created the brand from their respective bedrooms in East London. The aim was to create an English streetwear brand by mixing the best of what the USA had to offer. With a strong background in music, sports brands and design in general, the designers had an idea but a lack of funding. They were finally able to make their brand a reality with the help of the charity "The Prince's Trust". Designing day and night, even during their classes, they also used the small loan they had been able to get, as well as income from odd jobs, to launch the first King Apparel collection in June 2003, which was then on the road to success.

In our Traclet boutique, discover the products of this fashionable and ultra-trendy brand of quality design products, including caps and bobs made from top-quality materials!

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King Apparel

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